On 24 June 2011 06:10, Darren Addy <pixelsmi...@gmail.com> wrote:
(earlier posting snipped)
> I think this comment (not mine) from the dpreview forum will clarify...
> This is a real "what the?" moment.
> 1/2.3 inch sensor? That's a 7.0mm diagonal.
> The 7.9mm f1.9 lens is equivalent, in terms of DOF and low light
> photographic ability, to a 49mm f12. No shallow DOF, no nice bokeh
> like some of the Oly/Panasonic or NEX lenses.
> It's interchangeable, purely for the sake of being interchangeable.
> --

The DOF may be comparable to f12 on the larger cameras, but f1.9 will
always give f1.9's worth of exposure regardless of the format.  The
criticism is an invalid claim where exposure performance is concerned,
which is the usual measure of "low light photographic ability".

However, if dpreview actually mean ~aesthetic~ low light performance
then they're engaging in sloppy and tautologous journalism.  In that
situation they referred four times, in different words, to a single
item of complaint;

1.  "...in terms of DOF..."
2.  "...and low light photographic ability..."
3.  "...No shallow DOF..."
4.  "...no nice bokeh..."

Turning one complaint into four still only equals one complaint.

Just because dpreview is, photographically speaking, a major internet
presence doesn't mean their claims needn't be taken with a grain of
salt.  They have a tradition of being biased against innovation and
non-conformity.  Just read their reviews of Foveon and Fuji SuperCCD.

regards, Anthony

   "Of what use is lens and light
    to those who lack in mind and sight"

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