On 29 June 2011 06:25, Cotty <cotty...@mac.com> wrote:
> On 28/6/11, Eric Featherstone, discombobulated, unleashed:
>>I've been down in Gosport since saturday doing my day skipper theory.
>>Stuck in a classroom I'd managed to miss that this had happened.
> !
> Eric if you need crew ever let me know!

Haha! Not much call for crew on the back of a Triumph I'm afraid. I
can only dream of owning my own boat.

After the theory course finished I went to help out on some of the
boats (changing old sails for new). You get odd looks lugging sails
around on a boat whilst wearing bike leathers for some reason... And
pretty hot work moving a suite of 11 sails like that; the No3
spinnaker was 45kg!

BTW I forgot to say before; good video report!


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