On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 8:37 AM, Mark Roberts <m...@robertstech.com> wrote:
> Larry Colen wrote:
>>Careful what links you click on
>>On 10/21/2011 1:39 AM, Jerry in Arizona wrote:
>>> hello! http://www.jesusgarciaartglass.com/    friends.php?jsyahooID=3xr2
> I can guess without even looking what's at that link: It's a hacked
> PHP page that redirects to the spammer's real web site, which is a
> Romanian-hosted prescription drug sales operation calling itself
> "Canadian Pharmacy" or some such.
> The spammer hacks someone else's email so they can't easily be tracked
> or blocked and hacks someone else's web site so the email is unlikely
> to be filtered on the basis of the URL. And Romanian hosts don't give
> a shit that they're hosting spammers making illegal prescription drug
> sales.
> How close did I come?

I bet you watched the Mr Knowitall segment on Rocky and Bullwinkle,
didn't you.   :-)

> --
> Mark Roberts - Photography & Multimedia
> www.robertstech.com
> --
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