From: David J Brooks
On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 8:37 AM, Mark Roberts <> wrote:
Larry Colen wrote:

Careful what links you click on

On 10/21/2011 1:39 AM, Jerry in Arizona wrote:
hello! ? ?friends.php?jsyahooID=3xr2
I can guess without even looking what's at that link: It's a hacked
PHP page that redirects to the spammer's real web site, which is a
Romanian-hosted prescription drug sales operation calling itself
"Canadian Pharmacy" or some such.

The spammer hacks someone else's email so they can't easily be tracked
or blocked and hacks someone else's web site so the email is unlikely
to be filtered on the basis of the URL. And Romanian hosts don't give
a shit that they're hosting spammers making illegal prescription drug

How close did I come?
I bet you watched the Mr Knowitall segment on Rocky and Bullwinkle,
didn't you.


According to the Google diagnostics it redirects to a .ms domain, which would be Montserrat, but I guess they could be lying about that too.

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