We each go out on the streets but somehow we see different things!


Your usual galleries of beautiful people going about their lives. Lots of fun!

I agree with Bruce's favourite. Also really like this one:


She looks like a feisty one! 


"What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof." -- 
Christopher Hitchens

--- Original Message ---

From: Derby Chang <der...@iinet.net.au>
Sent: April 9, 2012 4/9/12
To: "Pentax-Discuss Mail List" <pdml@pdml.net>
Subject: Streety GESOs and tales of woe

So, I mentioned my DA70mm seized up just being on the shelf. Got it back 
last week, so I should use it more.

A DA16-50 I picked up from KEH completely refused to autofocus. That is 
being fixed now by CR Kennedy, for a princely sum of $350, which KEH, 
bless them, will pay for.

And then I found my Fuji X100 had developed the unfortunate sticky 
aperture blade problem (doesn't stop down properly), so streety stuff 
gets highlights blown. It amazes me the sensor on the X100 still could 
pull out detail shooting about 2 stops over.

Finally, dependable Vista PC carks it. Not too sad about that, because I 
now have a zippy 64-bit hexacore with an SSD C: drive that boots in a 

Lightroom runs with much zest, so I put up a few pix from the backlog





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