The biggest problem with Powerpoint isn't that it's bad it's that presentations should be viewed as a means to an end, not an end in and of themselves.

On 4/10/2012 10:35 AM, Igor Roshchin wrote:

A nuclear missile in hands of a Neanderthal is no more than a baseball bat.

Powerpoint is misused and abused.
There are people who can give good presentations and those who cannot,
and one should not blaim Powerpoint for that: it's just a tool.
Blaiming Powerpoint for bad presentations is like blaiming Photoshop for
overprocessed photographs.

I am yet to see the tool that is more suitable (and universal enough)
for preparing and delivering visual aids for variety of scientific
(note, not the presentations themselves - that's the key difference!).

There is plenty of funny and reasonable criticism of misuse of PowerPoint.
See, e.g., this one by Don McMillan:

With all of that, it is curious that the later version of his
routine is less effective (IMHO), as it becomes long and somewhat

Tufte seems to be interesting and refreshing when you find his books first,
but if you get to read several of his books and look into detail, you
find that he is repetitive and tiresome.
I'll stop here to avoid being that myself.



Don't lose heart!  They might want to cut it out, and they'll want to avoid a 
lengthily search.

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