We've just had dinner and people are chatting and waiting for the
evening's presentations to begin. Pretty good weekend so far. I did my
usual Thursday night camp out on the mountain; I had some fairly good
shots at sunset but there was no sunrise to speak of. Still, it was a
great hike and a tough workout (because I got a late start and had to
really hustle).

Friday was sign-in day and the opening presentations for the weekend.
Doug and I gave a pep talk for the photo contest and then started
preparing for the rest of the annual ordeal :) The usual suspects from
the PDML are here, as well as a couple of lurkers. It's always great
to meet these friends face to face. Doesn't happen often enough.

This morning I led a short hike along the Profile Trail and we did
some shooting on one of the streams that comes off Grandfather
Mountain. I used a couple of rolls of slide film in the 67. Might have
some good stuff. I haven't even had a chance to check the digital
shots from this morning because we've been so busy with the logistics
of the photo contest. The good news is that Doug and I have half the
judging done already and it's only 6:30 on Saturday night. We'll
probably finish it all up this evening and have a non-panicked Sunday
morning. That would be a first. Tomorrow brings the Doug & Mark

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