On 26/12/12, William Robb, discombobulated, unleashed:

>When I was a kid back in the early 60s (gads, that makes me feel old), 
>there was a store in town called ACME Novelty. Of course, in my 6 year 
>old mind, it had to be part of the ACME Corporation. I bugged my parents 
>for months, to no avail, that I had to be taken to that store to see the 
>wonders that surely must be on the shelves.
>Certainly, there would be 10,000 pound weights, and cases of dynamite, 
>rocket powered roller skates, all the things that the Coyote bought 
>could surely be had at ACME Novelty.
>Finally, one Saturday my parents relented, even though they knew, deep 
>in their great big hearts, that they were setting me up for what would 
>surely be the greatest disappointment of my childhood.
>And sure enough, when we walked into that great big department store, 
>and walked past aisles filled with slightly out of fashion woman's 
>clothing, cheap suits, inexpensive furniture and housewares, I was ever 
>hopeful that if we went around just one more corner and into one more 
>aisle, we would come to the section of the store that catered to Wiley 
>But it was not to be, for ACME Novelty was not really part of the ACME 
>Corporation, or at least not part of the ACME Corporation that I was 
>familiar with from spending hours watching the Roadrunner outwit his 
>hapless nemesis.
>Friends, I was inconsolable. I led my parents through that entire store 
>at least twice, ever hopeful that we had managed to miss the one aisle 
>in the entire world that held the wonderful products that I had seen on TV.
>Finally, with tears of disappointment streaming down my cheeks, they led 
>me back to the car and we drove home, my father being the very kind man 
>that he was, told me that it was probably just that we lived in such a 
>small city, perhaps ACME didn't put their full line of products into 
>this store.
>He tried, but I recall being put out like only a 6 year old child can 
>be. I'm sure I was insufferable for days.

Lovely story! My childhood bug up my ass was spinach. Like Popeye, I had
to try a can of cold raw spinach.

I think this eye-watering action had a lot to do with me turning instead
towards sci-fi !



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