The DSLRs that pros are buying aren't close to 7k. The ones based on "pro"
bodies are under 5K. The D60 & D100 (based on midline consumer bodies) are
around 2k. What I've found interesting is that pro Canon shooters who would
never have considered using an Elan 7, have snapped up the D30 (same body) as
fast as Canon could make them.

--- Mark Erickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think the reason that Pentax cancelled the MZ-D was, among other things,
> that the high-end professional crowd is just not their market.  People who
> make their livings with their cameras buy _systems_ and invest a lot in
> lenses.  There are many Nikon and Canon system professionals out there, but
> few Pentax pros (at least in 35mm).  Ergo, no established market for a $7000
> pro-grade body.
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