Hi friends, Next May will be 50th anniversary of the Asahiflex, the first Japanese 35mm SLR. On that occasion I'm planning to put together an article about Mr. Yoshida, the designer of that camera (and many more Pentax ones) and the inventor of the instant return mirror.
Is there anybody out there willing to translate an article from Japanese to English language for AOHC? In case I'll happy to acknowledge him as a contributor and send him a complimentary copy of Spotmatic magazine including the resulting article. The article will also be published in AOHC website. Thanks in advance, Dario Bonazza -------------------------------- http://digilander.iol.it/aohc/ - This message is from the Pentax-Discuss Mail List. To unsubscribe, go to http://www.pdml.net and follow the directions. Don't forget to visit the Pentax Users' Gallery at http://pug.komkon.org .