You can see I wrote this a few days ago..
Thunderbird says I sent it, but it never bounced into my PDML folder nor did anyone respond - and I got a message when I finished writing it that I timed out. So I thought I lost it and was about to re-write
the thing essentially so you would know why I've ben silent.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: OT_ If it's not one thing.. (off again, and back again)
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 12:08:31 -0400
From: Ann Sanfedele <>
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List <>

February and early March has been a bit too eventful here, not so much
in a good way - but all resolved.

On the health scene, nothing life threatening or severe, just yukky.
A good two week bout with a cold - intense for the first few days.
Then MOnday night - well, Tuesday very early am, the common intestinal
virus struck (first you think you're afraid you'll die, then your afraid you won't) - which I haven't had since 1989 . 1989 in Seward
Alaska.  Barfing being so upsetting to me that I can remember every
event since I was 15.  Happily, there were only 5, maybe 6 times.  So
I'm lucky as all get out.

My neighbors got me gingerale and apple juice and left it by my door.
NOt being sure if I had the most contageous form, but two of my friend
Kate's shop girls had it  one before mine and one after - so the east
village seems to have been hit.

Now I'm FINE - just very tired still.

On the NON-health scene, my two checking and one savings account at
HSBC were closed at the end of February, by the bank!  Fortunately,
with almost a month's warning.  Totally baffling.  HAving been at the
bank for more than 30 years (that is at banks they took over) I had to
think this was some sort of glitch - or , at the very least, possibly
conencted to my debit card being compromised at a Atm back in JUne last
year... and still "must be a mistake" was my thought.

So after phone calls on Saturday the 8th of Feb.(when bank was closed) and a visit to bank on MOnday it seemed to be true and absolutely NO reason was given - to me or the bank officer locally that I've known a while and was trying to help. The only thing anyone said was "you aren't the only one." And it was suggested I go immediately and get a bank account somewhere else (which I did) but which bank I'll stay quiet about publicly. Interestingly, HSBC did NOT cancel the small limit credit card I had recently gotten.

ON the "not the only one" clue, I went to the web. Found any number of
horror stories about HSBC customers, with lots more money than moi,
suddenly finding themselves with declined transactions, etc. Mostly,
small business clients.

MY suspicion is that I"m simply too poor for them, but they can't say

It's all taken care of now, I'm quite happy with new bank and the one
thing I worried most about was whether my ss check would be in my NEW
bank account yesterday - and it was. PHEW!

I didnt' want to bitch and moan about this stuff in the midst of it
to you guys because there was not much I could do about any of it.

(that, and the cold and the gutwrenching malady and the endless winter..)

Ebay sales picked up in the last weeks so that helped my spirits a lot,
but February had been dismal in that regard.

I was actually tempted to go to the media about HSBC but couldn't face
it and am well rid of them. It is terribly scary that they can get
away with it with absolutely no reason given to me or the local bank

So I'm officially de-lurked - will try to keep up with stuff - more than making an occasional "like" to those of you are friends with me on

Oh yeah, I also finally switched over to NEW smugmug.. so after getting it kinda close to the old look that I liked I "published" it...

If any of you are on smugmug and set up in NEW aside from Don and George
(and Cory?) I'd like to know. The link below, of course, shows my
landing page.

One good thing is, I was able to add code easily to separate the
thumbnails that come up if you do a search by subject on my site
so they aren't all smashed together as in the default..

Finally - I did another little bit of design work for T shirts and such on cafe press - which see here:


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