You certainly were missed, Ann.

I hope that Spring will treat you better than did winter.

Dan Matyola

On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 10:12 AM, Ann Sanfedele <> wrote:
> You can see I wrote this a few days ago..
> Thunderbird says I sent it, but it never bounced into my PDML folder nor did
> anyone respond - and I got a message when I finished writing it that I timed
> out.  So I thought I lost it and was about to re-write
> the thing essentially so you would know why I've ben silent.
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: OT_ If it's not one thing.. (off again, and back again)
> Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 12:08:31 -0400
> From: Ann Sanfedele <>
> To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List <>
> February and early March has been a bit too eventful here, not so much
> in a good way - but all resolved.
> On the health scene, nothing life threatening or severe, just yukky.
> A good two week bout with a cold - intense for the first few days.
> Then MOnday night - well, Tuesday very early am, the common intestinal
> virus struck (first you think you're afraid you'll die, then your afraid you
> won't) - which I haven't had since 1989 .  1989 in Seward
> Alaska.  Barfing being so upsetting to me that I can remember every
> event since I was 15.  Happily, there were only 5, maybe 6 times.  So
> I'm lucky as all get out.
> My neighbors got me gingerale and apple juice and left it by my door.
> NOt being sure if I had the most contageous form, but two of my friend
> Kate's shop girls had it  one before mine and one after - so the east
> village seems to have been hit.
> Now I'm FINE - just very tired still.
> On the NON-health scene, my two checking and one savings account at
> HSBC were closed at the end of February, by the bank!  Fortunately,
> with almost a month's warning.  Totally baffling.  HAving been at the
> bank for more than 30 years (that is at banks they took over) I had to
> think this was some sort of glitch - or , at the very least, possibly
> conencted to my debit card being compromised at a Atm back in JUne last
> year... and still "must be a mistake" was my thought.
> So after phone calls on Saturday the 8th of Feb.(when bank was closed) and a
> visit to bank on MOnday it seemed to be true and absolutely NO reason was
> given - to me or the bank officer locally that I've known a while and was
> trying to help.  The only thing anyone said was "you aren't the only one."
> And  it was suggested I go immediately and get a bank account somewhere else
> (which I did) but which bank I'll stay quiet about  publicly. Interestingly,
> HSBC did NOT cancel the small limit credit card I had recently gotten.
> ON the "not the only one" clue, I went to the web. Found any number of
> horror stories about HSBC customers, with lots more money than moi,
> suddenly finding themselves with declined transactions, etc. Mostly,
> small business clients.
> MY suspicion is that I"m simply too poor for them, but they can't say
> that.
> It's all taken care of now, I'm quite happy with new bank and the one
> thing I worried most about was whether my ss check would be in my NEW
> bank account yesterday - and it was. PHEW!
> I didnt' want to bitch and moan about this stuff in the midst of it
> to you guys because there was not much I could do about any of it.
> (that, and the cold and the gutwrenching malady and the endless winter..)
> Ebay sales picked up in the last weeks so that helped my spirits a lot,
> but February had been dismal in that regard.
> I was actually tempted to go to the media about HSBC but couldn't face
> it and am well rid of them. It is terribly scary that they can get
> away with it with absolutely no reason given to me or the local bank
> staff.
> So I'm officially de-lurked - will try to keep up with stuff - more than
> making an occasional "like" to those of you are friends with me on
> FB.
> Oh yeah, I also finally switched over to NEW smugmug.. so after getting it
> kinda close to the old look that I liked I "published" it...
> If any of you are on smugmug and set up in NEW aside from Don and George
> (and Cory?) I'd like to know. The link below, of course, shows my
> landing page.
> One good thing is, I was able to add code easily to separate the
> thumbnails that come up if you do a search by subject on my site
> so they aren't all smashed together as in the default..
> Finally - I did another little bit of design work for T shirts and such on
> cafe press - which see here:
> ann
> --
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