You got a really good deal on that 30mm I paid lots more for the copy I
have. Be aware that the aperture can become sticky if it's not
exercised regularly. That's probably true of lots of lenses but at my
copy of the 30mm really needs to be used, and I don't use it enough.
On 8/31/2014 4:08 PM, Darren Addy wrote:
Recently I said that the list of lenses that I still wanted to get is
shrinking rapidly. But one that I still wanted was the SMC K 30mm
f2.8, a desire that Stan has fulfilled this week by putting one in the
mail. I've wanted that lens particularly since seeing this stunning
It is worth noting that this image was shot on film, so has the full
30mm FOV. Still, the cinematic look of the image - the combination of
sharpness and buttery bokeh - that is what I love.
There are many more delicious images produced with this lens at:
I'm looking forward to comparing the lenses that I have in the 28-35mm
range because I think I've got waaaay too many and I may need to thin
the herd.
In the autofocus department I cover that range with:
DA 16-45mm f4 (middle of the range)
Sigma EX 30mm f1.4 (prime)
Pentax F 35-70mm (at its widest, obviously)
In the manual focus department I've got:
SMC K 28mm f3.5
SMC K 30mm f2.8 (coming from Stan)
Flektogon 35mm f2.4 (preset... coincidentally, also from Stan)
Tamron 01A 35-85mm f2.8-3.8 macro
I'm always threatening to do comparison images and then never really
getting around to doing a pseudo-scientific side-by-side comparison.
It always seems to come down to gut feelings and how often the lens
actually gets put on the camera.
I'm getting closer to having my basement darkroom set up and so I may
need to keep an eye on which lenses will also work on which film
bodies (with no crop factor, obviously). But it appears that I have a
silly amount of overlap at the 28-35mm range.
I don't want to achieve immortality through my work; I want to achieve
immortality through not dying.
-- Woody Allen
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