On 5/10/14, David Mann, discombobulated, unleashed:

>The US Antarctic Programme had an open day today to show off their C-17
>Globemaster which arrived down here a few days ago.  Also present was an
>RNZAF Hercules and an A319 (I don't know who owns that one).
>The Globemaster took us about 10 minutes to get through as the flight
>deck was optional (with about an hour wait).  The Herc took us about 45
>mins - we had no option as everyone was going up front.
>By the time we got to the A319 I couldn't be bothered waiting and the
>crew were advising people they wouldn't get in before closing time
>anyway, so I just had a look around the outside.
>I only took a handful of photos and 5 made it through.

Good shots - well done!

RAF has 5 C-17s all based next door here at RAF Brize Norton. Never
flown in one but been aboard many times over the years filming. Several
times in the cockpit which is always interesting. There are several
squadrons based here, the C-17s, C-130s and 130Js, Tri-Stars (being
phased out now in favour of), Voyagers (Airbus A330 redesignation for
refuelling tankers) and a very soon to start arriving bunch of A400Ms
which will be v interesting to see in the skies overhead. I filmed on
displaying 4 years ago at Farnborough and it was very impressive - and
then found out that it had a *full payload* aboard during the demo..........

Mercifully the VC-10 tankers have now gone - they were ridiculously
noisy, just silly noisy on take-off and you couldn't hear a person stood
next to you talking in our house. I have flown in one of those many
years ago, filming in the cockpit (on my own, no other journalists or
cameras on board) during fly-past celebrations for something or other
which was late cancelled due to bad weather on the ground. There were
many planes in the sky that day and we were in a three-ship formation
with a Tri-Star and another VC-10. I had the camera on my shoulder not
particular filming anything when I heard the pilot say very calmly 'On
the nose!' and he immediately yanked the column back as several Tornados
that were heading straight for us came fleetingly into view. Fortunately
the other 2 in our formation did the same thing and we rocketed upwards
pulling about 2 to 3 g, me and the camera ending up on the floor. I
climbed back into the jump seat and it was a very quiet trip back to the
airbase. After some thought, I broke the ice and said that I wouldn't be
mentioning anything to anyone and that seemed to relieve the atmosphere
as I'm sure they all thought the headlines the next day would be about
near misses etc. I'm sure it also meant that future invites to film
weren't going to be compromised, and indeed they weren't....



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