Rachel wrote:

> I do have a tripod and use that for when I am taking macro shots, I would be
> interested in any tips that you could offer me in regards to macro
> photography. Also is it correct that macro shots are better when using very
> slow film between 25-100 and also by using the smallest lens aperture
> possible?

A tripod is great for some macro work, although you can get away with
handheld if you use flash. It's tough to hunt down a dragonfly or
ladybug with a tripod. For flowers or other static objects, the tripod
is ideal. Slow film isn't always essential unless you're concerned about
grain and want to make big enlargements. But it does offer some
advantages. For example, if you're using flash, it will allow you to get
to a small aperture and still be within the synch speed range of your
camera. A small aperture is necessary when you need to keep a three
dimensional object, like a flower, in focus. However, lenses lose
sharpness at the very smallest apertures. I generally try to shoot at
F16 or even F11 if I can. Check your depth of field preview and see if
your getting good focus on the critical elements.
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