I went to bed at my usual 8:00 PM and left the shooting up to you young folks.
I may try it in 2033. ;o)


----- Original Message -----
From: "ann sanfedele" <ann...@nyc.rr.com>
To: "Pentax-Discuss Mail List" <pdml@pdml.net>
Sent: Monday, September 28, 2015 6:37:56 AM
Subject: Re: PESO -- Cloudy Moon (was) Re: Total Lunar Eclipse

ActuallY I saw it for about 45 minutes ... but no colors.. up to where 
it became a very thin ")" - I did make anattempt with the 55-300
but using my dressmaker dummy as a tripod and I'msure all I got ws a 
fuzzy cresent .. then the clouds rolled in..

saw a faint glimmer of reddish color around 11 but no shape.. but on the 
local news this morning I saw some neat shots locals got from
different vantage points than mine... although not far - I probably 
should have stayed by the bedroomwindow - wasn't up to going to the roof
it gets a little difficult to navigate for me these days. Bummer... I 
saw the last oneat least.  18 years... to the next one.. if I get to 96
I'll probably need someone to hold my head up


On 9/28/2015 1:02 AM, Knarf wrote:
> I walked along the lake for about a 1/2 hour, hoping the light clouds would 
> lift, but they didn't. Gave up, went home. About midnight I brought the 
> garbage out and there it was: about 1/4 obscured by the earth's shadow.
> Quite spectacular!
> Like Ann, I don't have the equipment to do anything about it, but at least I 
> saw it. 'T'was pretty cool.
> And earlier, after a significant dry spell, I got a few okay street shots 
> today. Can't wait to look at them on a big monitor and process a few...
> Cheers,
> frank
> On 27 September, 2015 11:59:12 PM EDT, ann sanfedele <ann...@nyc.rr.com> 
> wrote:
>> LOvely to get to see the colors - glad you and Paul got us something
>> anyway...
>> ann
>> On 9/27/2015 11:44 PM, P.J. Alling wrote:
>>> I went out to try to shoot the Super Moon/Eclipse and I've given up
>> on
>>> the photography at least.  Not a total bust, but there seem to be
>> high
>>> clouds obscuring any detail.  I tried to use the SMC Pentax M*300mm
>>> f4.0, my copy of which is a bit sharper than the A*300 I also have
>> was
>>> also a bust.  coupled with the 1.7x AF adapter the camera thought the
>>> moon should be in focus but they all looked like the image I'm going
>>> to post just because I tried.  It's not good, but I did make the
>> attempt.
>> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1604247/PESO/PESO%20--%20superbloodmoon.html
>>> Equipment: Pentax K-5II w/vmc Vivitar Series 1 600mm Solid
>>> Catadioptric f8.0 and smc Pentax F 1.7x AF Adapter.
>>> Note:  There was so little light the K-5II just simply refused to try
>>> to focus with the AF adapter and the Solid Cat lens mounted, I had to
>>> force it to focus to infinity with a different lens then mount the
>>> camera onto the Solid cat which was mounted on the tripod.  Lest
>>> anyone thing this might be the reason for the bad focus, every shot
>>> with every lens combination whether manual or auto focused looked
>>> pretty much like the one posted, just smaller on the frame.  I do
>> kind
>>> of like it as an abstract, but I really wish that I had captured more
>>> detail.
>>> On 9/22/2015 3:18 PM, Daniel J. Matyola wrote:
>>>>   From an email I received this afternoon:
>>>> Total Lunar Eclipse!
>>>> On the evening of September 27th, skywatchers throughout North
>> America
>>>> will be treated to one of nature’s grandest celestial sky shows – a
>>>> total eclipse of the Moon. And unlike the one in April which
>> occurred
>>>> in the early predawn hours, this one will happen during convenient
>>>> evening ones.
>>>> This cosmic spectacular begins with the full Moon entering the
>> Earth’s
>>>> dark inner shadow (the “umbra”) at 9:06 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time
>> and
>>>> continuing to become ever-more fully immersed in it for the next
>> hour.
>>>> Totality itself will start at 10:11 p.m. EDT and last more than an
>>>> hour until 11:23 EDT, after which the Moon begins to slowly emerge
>>>> from the cone of darkness in reverse order. Adding to the beauty of
>>>> the overall scene at this eclipse (especially during totality
>> itself,
>>>> while the sky is dark), the Moon will be accompanied by some of the
>>>> early rising bright winter stars. (Use your Scientifics’ Star and
>>>> Planet Locator to identify them)
>>>> There are several interesting things to notice as you watch this
>> event
>>>> unfold. Most obvious are the darkness of the eclipsed Moon and the
>>>> range of colors displayed, both of which vary from one eclipse to
>>>> another. These depend on the clarity of the Earth’s atmosphere at
>> the
>>>> time, which refracts or bends sunlight around into the umbral
>> shadow.
>>>> There have actually been eclipses so dark that the Moon remained
>>>> all-but invisible during totality — and ones so pale that you had to
>>>> look carefully to see that there was even an eclipse in progress!
>>>> Among the colors that have been seen are shades of reddish-orange,
>>>> brown, copper, rose, and even blood-red. Notice, too, that the
>> Earth’s
>>>> shadow is curved at all phases of the eclipse, as the Moon passes
>>>> through it. This is direct proof that the Earth itself is round —
>>>> something recognized by many early skywatchers. And finally, realize
>>>> that you’re actually seeing our lovely satellite move eastward in
>> its
>>>> orbit — as it first passes into, through, and then out of the shadow
>>>> at roughly its own diameter each hour.
>>>> While lunar eclipses can certainly be enjoyed with the unaided eye
>>>> alone (as they have been throughout most of history!), they are
>>>> best-seen in binoculars. An ideal pair for this would be a 7×50 or
>>>> 10×50 glass, the first number indicating its magnification and the
>>>> second the aperture in millimeters. Telescopes themselves, with
>> their
>>>> relatively narrow fields of view, typically don’t provide enough sky
>>>> coverage around the Moon to get the full effect of its globe being
>>>> suspended in space. An exception here, however, is Scientifics’
>>>> amazing Astroscan wide-field reflecting telescope. Providing a
>>>> 3-degree actual field of view at it low magnification of 16x, it
>> takes
>>>> in an astounding six full-Moon-diameters of sky — something many
>> have
>>>> described as looking through the porthole of a spaceship!
>>>> —James Mullaney
>>>> Former assistant editor at Sky & Telescope magazine and author of 10
>>>> books on stargazing.
>>>> Dan Matyola
>>>> http://www.pentaxphotogallery.com/danieljmatyola

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