I know that some PDMLers are using Red River papers.

There is a special order for the sample kit of 23 different papers for only $4.99 and free shipping (or at least it is free within Texas).

However, note that you can not use this 8.5"x11" (Letter) size paper for 8.5"x11" prints. This arrogant company insists on printing the paper name on the _front_ side of the paper (and does not say that explicitly for this sample kit).

So, if you can cut it and can use [up-to] 8"x10" paper for something, - this could be a good opportunity to sample their 8"x10" papers at a low cost. Otherwise, you can use it for checking the calibration color profile. Or, if all what you do with paper is just staring at it, you can "sample" it that way.
Caveat Emtpor!



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