I've been using a Kiwi FC1 focusing rail for my stacked macros. It looks like the one that Bill linked to. Mine cost about $80. I bought it form the local camera store, which gave me the chance to check it out before buying. There are tons of rails out there that look the same or very similar in photos but vary widely in price. For example:




It would be hard to tell from a catalog or website just what the difference between rails is - so it would be best to actually look at them before buying or use a vendor with a good return policy.


I have no complaints about the Kiwi rail other than it does not work well in the cold - the mechanism gets very stiff and using it with snow crystals is not feasible. I use a Pentax focusing rail II outside. It wobbles a little as it moves so it is not good for stacking, but is fine for single exposure macro work. And it works well even in sub zero (F) temps.

On 12/21/2015 3:52 PM, Larry Colen wrote:
A while back when I was starting to look at panoramas somebody, I think it may have been Mark, pointed me at a good deal on focusing rails. I wasn't in a position to pursue it then. Could you please remind me of which brand it was that you liked?

I met someone at lunch who was having difficulty photographing his model train layout and I think that decent focusing rails would really help.

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