I've been AFL - don't ask - I'm back now :-) Dan wrote me off list and told me about the calendar so here are 6 I love that are

landscape oriented. I think if Mark were to produce the calendar on, say, cafepress - or lulu (less expensive than Blurb) the easier format

is landscape-

Boris's Taking a Picture(41)
Ted's California Sunset (55)
Christine's Museum Shot (68)
Frank's  The number you have Dialed (74)
Rick's Nos 111-113 (75)
Dan's Red Chinese photographer (79)

a lot of stuff happening in my personal life recently has occupied all my energy - and I have little of it in this heat. Personally, I loathe summer -
"it's so hot here in town, and the heat gets me down"

just for you worry warts - I'm in good health, lost 15 lbs in 5 months - down to 130 lbs, great BP readings. ebay sucks so that is not making me happy and some sadness regarding friends - and slumping creatively so don't feel up to commenting on photos of others or world affairs, OK?

so let me lurk for a while - when my summertime malaise goes away I'll try to be more entertaining and helpful for now it is old movies and words with friends


On 7/12/2016 7:54 AM, Mark Roberts wrote:
Let's have some more votes, people! I still don't have enough input > to determine 12 photographs for the calendar. > > >> It's been
suggested that we make a calendar available using photos >> from the PDML Photo Annual – amongst other things, it would be a >> nice option for friends and relatives who don't want to spring for >> the cost of the book. But since we're limited to 12 photos for the >> calendar we have to narrow it down. So have a look at >> http://www.robertstech.com/pdmlbook/2016/index.html and pick your >> favorite shots. Let's say, up to 6 of them. >> >> Post to the PDML and let's see what comes up. > >


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