Thank you Matthew!
That's what I thought I felt, but I just wanted to make sure it is not just in my head.
That definitively confirms it.



 Matthew Hunt Thu, 29 Sep 2016 12:24:05 -0700 wrote:

I have not used Smart Previews myself, but you may be interested in
the release notes for the most recent update. It suggests that
previously, disconnecting the full-size files could speed up develop
operations. There is now a setting to use the smart previews instead
of the full-sized images, without having to disconnect the originals.

Smart Previews for Faster Performance

You’ve always been able to use Smart Previews in the Develop Module as
a way to edit photos without having access to the original images on
disk.  Astute customers reported faster performance in the Develop
Module when using Smart Previews and keeping their original images
disconnected from their computer.  Now, you can set a Preference in
the Performance tab so that Lightroom will always use Smart Previews
in the Develop Module, if they are available, even when the original
files are also available.

To do so,

Choose Edit > Preferences.
In the Preferences dialog, select the Performance tab.
In the Develop section, select Use Smart Previews Instead Of Originals
For Image Editing.
Click OK and then restart Lightroom.

On Thu, 29 Sep 2016, Igor PDML-StR wrote:

I was wondering if someone know the answer to this question about LR:

I have photos stored on an external HDD (USB 3.0).
I create Smart Previews and 1:1 Previews (both reside on the internal SSD).
I am comparing the following situations: the HDD is connected and disconnected. I wonder if the fact that the original files are available (on the slower HDD) slows down the work (i.e. pulling any information from the original file on the external HDD)? I.e. is there any advantage of disconnecting the external HDD once I have both Smart and 1:1 previews on the internal SSD?

Thank you,


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