I was driving to lunch yesterday and saw this really ugly chicken by the side of the road eating a huge worm. I got a couple of photos of it with my 28-75 before a motorcycle drove past and scared it away


I was able to get my K-3+bigma out of the back of my van and got some photos of it's friend sitting on the airport fence, for those interested in the whole set


I'm afraid that combination did not work so well for birds in flight, part of it seems to be CA, but I also had some focus issues. I also had some issues with the K-3 focusing on the barbed wire rather than the eye, possibly exacerbated by my not being as careful with focus points, and not stopping down as much as I should have, for such a sunny day.

Larry Colen  l...@red4est.com (postbox on min4est) http://red4est.com/lrc

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