I bought a really cool safelight before I got actually 
        into printing, only to discover it was an old OA and un-
        usable w/ VC papers. For a while I tried a red bulb, but 
        ditched that in favor of no safelight at all. You only
        need one for "convenience", anyway. I frame up & focus the
        image on the easel, re-set the timer, slip the paper in by
        feel and turn on the timed enlarger. It is a simple matter
        to remove the paper and transfer it to the developer tub.
        Then the infamous Timex Indiglo gets a quick look at and
        development starts being counted out (a smooth counting to
        45 puts me "on track" for a 90sec development) and checked
        occassionaly w/ the Timex. Transfer to the Stop for a count
        of 7 or 8 and the time taken to reach the room light switch
        suffices. Then on through the fixer & hypo in room light w/
        an estimated 2min & 4min respectively. Then off to the bathroom
        for a flushing under the faucet to remove the bulk of the chems
        on the surface of the paper and on into the big plastic tub
        (about 8 gallons) for a 10-15min soak w/ frequent stirring
        and sloshing about. Slap 'em onto an angled plastic gridded 
        gizmo or hang 'em by the corners long enough for most of the 
        water to run off and then into the bedroom to lean up against
        bundled-up blankets 'til fully dry. Not all that long w/ RC-VC


        Bill D. Casselberry ; Photography on the Oregon Coast

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