France is not Europe. 

The Express is a nasty little rag which inhabits the same slimosphere as the 
Mail. The French police always overreact to this sort of thin, but the French 
people love a good, imaginative protest, and at one time it was their 
constitutional duty to protest! The spirit lives on! 

The gilets jaunes protests are a large-scale movement of people who live in the 
'new' satellite towns which were built essentially as dormitories without any 
kind of infrastructure or local economy, so people are absolutely dependent on 
cars for everything, from going to work to going to the doctor. Without work 
they can't run their cars, without their cars they can't get work, so when the 
price of fuel goes up they're double-fucked. Parts of France outside the major 
cities are called 'the desert'. Some of them are a real mess - i've seen when 
I've cycled through. The economy, the car, television and now the internet have 
gutted them, so if people can't afford to run their car, they're stuffed.

Hopefully next year I'll cycle the so-called diagonale vide - the empty 
diagonal - from Strasbourg to Hendaye, and see even more of it.

The protesters come from a class which feels that it is despised and looked 
down on by the metropolitan elites. Macron seemed - or allowed people to 
believe - that he was not like the others, even though he went to the same 
elite training schools. He is not living up to expectations, so people who 
harboured those expectations are turning on him. 

There is also the dilemma of the environment versus the automobile, and the 
impact that attempts to square this will have on social life and societies 
built around the internal combustion engine. Definitely something for the US to 
think about.


> On 24 Nov 2018, at 21:20, Daniel J. Matyola <> wrote:
> Ha Europe caught the disease of fanaticism and violence from the US?
> Dan Matyola
> -- 

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