----- Original Message -----

Subject: Re: The Great PDML Print Off

> What's the process for putting the portfolios together?  It
seems that
> each participant would make six prints, one for each
portfolio, and that
> the prints would be sent to one person, compiled, and then
sent out for
> distribution as complete sets of eighteen.  Is that how you
all see it?

Once again, here is the deal:

Here are the (suggested) guidelines:

1) I will produce a series of negatives, as close as is possible
to each other in exposure and processing (I can get REALLY
close, I am pretty good at this stuff), and mail each
participant a negative.

2) The negative remains the property of me, and is considered
"on loan" for the duration of the challenge.
Copyright of any images made from this negative remain property
of William Robb, Regina, Canada.

3) When you recieve the negative in the mail, please acknowledge
reciept of it to me via email, and then make the best prints you
can. All
criteria other than paper size are the decision of the printer,
the idea is to see how other people decide how to print a

4) For the sake of uniformity, all prints shall be made on 8x10
inch paper, unmounted.
Prints shall be by traditional darkroom methods.

5) Please write your name on the back of your prints, for
identification purposes.

6) After you have created your print, please ship the negative
and the finished print to me. I will keep track of things until
I have recieved all the prints.

7) At that point, I will scan them and put them on a web page,
and also make the entire set available for distribution to
participants so we can see what we have done.

My home address is on the envelopes containing the negatives.
Please ship your 6 prints back to me. I will compile the
portfolios and ship them out.

Now, how to distribute them after that?

To make sure everyone gets a fair shot at this, I need to have
the prints back in a reasonable amount of time. Please, get at
the task of printing as soon as possible after you recieve the

Here is the list of participants, and how I have determined
groups for each portfolio. If it would make more sense to have
them grouped otherwise, I am open to suggestion.
What I will do is provide forwarding addresses to each
participant when I send out the portfolio. You will be
responsible for making notes for discussion, and mailing it on
to the next person on the list. Again, try to make the time you
keep the portfolio in your possession reasonable, as we want
everyone to get a look at it.
After we have all had a look, I ask that the prints be returned
to me.
If there is interest from non printing members of the PDML to
have a look at a portfolio, I will make them available to list
members, perhaps having them shipped directly from the last
printer on the list to a list member.

Shel Belinkoff

William Johnson

Bill D. Casselberry

Paul Stenquist

Ed Matthew

Jim Meeks

Tom van Veen

Bob Poe
South Carolina

Collin Brendemuehl

Sid Barras


Paul Jones

John Coyle


Steve Cottrell
United kingdom

Alan Abbott

Maciej Marchlewski


Brendan Bhagan

Aaron Reynolds

William Robb
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