Relegated to an "other".  Should I flounce off as well?

Nah.  It's not all about me.

> On 27 May 2021 at 18:51 Stanley Halpin <> wrote:
> There was a bit of discussion (and consternation) here recently when one of 
> the longtime members of this group declared “I am outta here” or words to 
> that effect.
> I copy/pasted much of the ensuing discussion and sent it on to the dear 
> departed (sorry, can’t resist using that phrase!) Just in case he had signed 
> off before the discussion occurred.  And I asked “so, what’s up with you?”
> In brief, the individual has understandably been under a bit of stress. 
> Spending long periods listening to warning sirens while huddled with your 
> family in bomb shelters can do that to you. 
> All of this got me to reflecting on this group. This is an interesting group. 
> I am not sure if I was the first to make this sort of move, but back at least 
> 20 years ago I was at least one of the first to use the List to make 
> connections when I traveled. Frank and Dave and others in Toronto, including 
> an evening at a Blue Jays baseball game. Bob and Cotty and others in England. 
> Gianfranco and Dario and others in Italy: Venice, Rome, Naples,Ravenna…  
> Lasse and others in Sweden and Aland. Boris in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem and 
> Haifa. Henk and others in Amsterdam and Amersfoort. Rob and a bunch of others 
> in Sydney and Melbourne and Adelaide. Jostein in Oslo (and Salisbury and 
> Tenerife) and Paul and Bob in Milwaukee. And Mark in Boston and of course the 
> Chicago weekend organized by Mark and Christine. And the Grandfather 
> gatherings.  And photo meetups for weekends in D.C. And that is just me and 
> off the top of my head. I can recall hearing of many NYC meetups and others, 
> often on occasion of visitors from outside the U.S. passing through on 
> business or vacation. Larry and John on the West Coast, Ann and Dan on the 
> East Coast have provided something of a nexus in those regions.
> An interesting group. Formed around a common interest in photography in 
> general, the proper and effective use of Pentax gear in particular. Not 
> exactly tight knit, but close enough that we can ask favors of one another, 
> close enough that we can (mostly) trust one another when buying/selling gear, 
> close enough that we can share our feeble attempts at artistry without fear 
> of ridicule and humiliation. Maybe close enough that we could reach out to 
> someone in difficulty and without feeling like an intrusive stranger? I do 
> know that there is no generic answer, we members are not all alike. But, for 
> me, for some of us, maybe, we could work a bit on thinking about reaching out 
> to provide comfort to one another occasionally? Just a thought. 
> And now back to my regularly scheduled attempt to get a decent shot of the 
> Oriole at the feeder…
> Stan
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