Glad to hear that you're doing better.

On 8/7/2022 1:54 PM, ann sanfedele wrote:
OK so here's the story...
I had a mild stroke in the middle of June.. an over night in the emergency room at NYU LAngone  and a bunch of tests before and during the stay there. some placque build-up in carotid artery , the one where stuff goes to your face, not your brain... and it resulted in a speech impediment but nothing more serious. the slurry comes and goes.. mostly gone, but if I'm really tired it shows up.  I'm on the generic version of Plavix and Crestor now.. and a tiny aspirin a day.  My blood pressure has been steady-on for years on a small amount of amlodipine though they saw my white coat readings in hospital and tried to foist a double dose on me.. that didn't happen. On a follow up visit a week after hospital adventure I showed date and time stamped photos of the readings I had gotten at home since out of hospital and nurse-practitioner agreed that someone who had readings around 120/65 at my age should not be increasing Bp lowering drugs.

I have lost 12 lbs (on purpose) since early June.. don't eat anything that once had 4 legs, and as I love to cook it isn't difficult for me to make tasty stuff that is healthy.  I'm doing some kind of combination of Mediterranian and DASH I guess, my own design but it is working. I get a CT scan in Sept .
and I have to get a cardio doc but won't be doing anything about that yet.

about a week after being released from the hospital I got out on a relative cool day for a bit but then got caught in the heat and was a mess - heat exhaustion.  .. a week later I had another outing  being more cautious, minimum amount of walking to get two chores done and earl in am so the weather was ok.. a few steps from  my doorway I took a header .. not a balace issue - I was side stepping to avoid some kids unloading a truck and caught my toe on the curb.. nothing broke, but bruised left boob and ribcage, scraped knee , and broke glass frames - that thankfully broke in jus the right place that I was able to do a temp repair - one lens fell out but didnt break and was recovered quickly.  I frightened the teens because my eyebrow ridge was bleeding profusely - didn't hurt at all.. one of them brought lots of paper napkins from a deli on the corner and helped me to my front door. Got home safely to wait for my groceries to get delivered... I have not been out of the apartment since then (7/26) ..

I'm all but completely recovered from the fall but I will not be leaving my apartment until the temperture is no higher than 75 f in the morning and lowered humidity... even then I won't venture beyond one or two blocks without getting on an air conditioned bus.

Hoping that the CT scan in September and my good diet will allow me to drop the Plavix (clopidogrel) I guess I'll be taking statins for my choleterol for quite a while..

I really did this to myself... eating poorly since I turned 85...being rather cavelier (I got this far.. so..) and allowed myself too much wicked stuff on my plate..
I weigh 132 now and am aiming for 130..

THe really good news is that I appear to be a Covid -dodger- haven't had it at all (knock wood) and I was testing myself every day after being in  the hospital emergency room ..

anyway - here I am

Vivere in aeternum aut mori conatur

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