Stephen Moore wrote:

> I'm not a pro shooter, hope but never expect to be -- but if somebody
> wants to buy a print, or offers me money to go shoot some event (and I
> think I can handle it), I'm certainly not going to say no.

I'm in much the same situation as you there.  The easiest thing you can 
do is to ask the company to define "pro" (don't ask us, we can't decide).

I'd love to start selling big framed prints but since I haven't even 
finished organising last years slides, that dream's a long way off yet...

> So is the best strategy simply to lie to the agent? ;-)

No.  If you're caught you won't get insurance.

> The extent of coverage also varied from company to company. Worst
> case was the actual price paid for the specific covered item.
> The rest would pay actual cash value of a comparable item, e.g.,
> if I paid KEH $200 for a used item 4 years ago, and it now goes
> for $300, it should be insured for the higher amount. So what
> does one do in cases where the (used) item comes available
> infrequently, seldom, or rarely? 

With my insurance company I had to insure my gear in my household 
contents.  They would not allow me to create a separate policy just for 
my photographic equipment.

I had to upgrade to the "premier" policy to get replacement value cover.  
Anything worth more than NZ$2,000 has to be specifically declared, so I 
had to get some written replacement-value quotes from the camera shop.  A 
lot of my gear is not replaceable so it was quoted with the nearest-
equivalent new product, eg FA300/4.5 for A*300/4, MZ-S for Z-1p.  Despite 
the replacement gear being newer I still couldn't bear to think of losing 
my old manual focus lenses.

When I insured my gear early this year, my policy was out of date anwyay. 
Even though the total insured value more than doubled, plus upgrading to 
a better policy, it only costs me a few dollars more per month.  And I 
now have a little more peace-of-mind.


- Dave (out of date)
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