I have a few moments to gather my thoughts while the Mrs and son warp off 
to do some food shopping. Here's a line or two in anticipation of our 
impending weekend gathering here in the UK...

I've stacked everything that I want to take along on the patio, and it's 
dawning on me that it isn't all going to fit. Oh yes it is. Somehow. It 

I have to leave a space big enough for....? How many boxes? Flight cases? 
will there be to squeeze in when we drop by Pentax UK later on tonight. 
Someone rang me this morning - Valerie? Asked if I was the one coming 
along to pick up 'all this gear'. Yes, I replied. In person? Yes. There's 
some paperwork, make sure you sign it all 'out', and get the security 
guard to sign for it on its return on Sunday. What's the name of the 
company you represent? (Hasn't John Dickins mentioned what we are??) Er, 
just put 'PDML'. She probably thinks we're a multi-national conglomerate 
advertising agency or something. Hang on - we're a ramshackle group of 
wayfarers from all over, most have never met in person, we're...penpals? 
Sort of. Too long to explain this. Put 'PDML' I tell her and be done with 

After the call, I have a nightmare vision of the security guard asking me 
for some ID. He will expect my corporate PDML card of course. Oh dear. 
Good thing she didn't ask me what PDML stands for. Pan Dynamic Mothball 
Lovers. Pre-Disposed Men Linger. Pee'd Down My Leg.

Packed my own gear: leaving not much behind. NiCads charged up, including 
the LX drive. That really is a beautiful camera - handling it is pure 
joy. I debate whether to bring the 85mil f 1.4, it's really up for sale. 
Wouldn't do to dent it this weekend. But it's too good to leave out. I 
pack it, after all it doesn't *have* to get used. Does it?

Wait - what will I be photographing? Aeroplanes. I suppose. I'm not 
really into that. People. What we need are some decent shots of people - 
our people - enjoying themselves. Got to get to know them, get to know a 
bit of their characters, a bit of the real 'them'. Try and capture that. 
I like that - I shall try and do that. I'll be better at it than swing 
around on the end of a 600 mm f/4. For God's sake, *f/4* !!

I've packed all the film I have, including some 120 which folk can try 
out in the MF gear. What does a 645N2 look like? Will I be tempted? I 
don't need the quality. I want the faces - the characters. If nobody uses 
the 67 monster, I've got a great idea for a shot. Mustn't tell now, hilk 

Rang Amateur Photographer on a whim this morning. Spoke to Damien 
Demoulder - he wrote to the list for a day or two about, what was it? 
Quality issues?? Can't remember. I told him of the weekend. He was 
interested. I am to send him a CD with a dozen shots on it, and a few 
hundred words of copy after the weekend. They might shore up a hole in 
the news pages I suspect. Better than nothing, and hey - it's the 21st 
century. People meet this way now. Cooool.

Soon be time to pack up all the gear. Got some cheapo deck chairs, a 
ground sheet. Has John Dickins remembered to throw in a banner? God only 
knows. Should I print off a sheet with PDML on it? What - A4 size? 
Ridiculous, nobody would see that. I've left my number - they can ring me 
if they can't find Base Camp. I've had some text messages already! Mike 
Wilson is in Russia, and *texted* me. Wicked. Jostein did also. This 
should be fun. I'm so looking forward to it. I remember last year, and 
the year before, lurking, and reading of Grandfather Mountain, and how 
folks would be 'heading on up there soon'. It was great to read about it, 
and then to see the pics - I *wanted* to go there, desperately. I wanted 
to be a part of that.

Damn - I just smashed my knee on the scanner shelf under the desk in my 
hurry to rush outside and see what that clatter was. I just caught sight 
of three single-engined planes, formated, heading due east. The direction 
of Cambridge! How exciting. They weren't Spits - I know exactly what they 
sound like. They were much smaller. We often get aircraft in transit 
across the country flying over us - there's a corridor around Brize 
Norton [an RAF airbase] that they use. A few times I have seen *the* 
Lancaster bomber. There's only one flying, and that's it. A few times 
I've seen a Spitfire. There's a DC-3 I've seen loads of times. Must do 
every single show on the circuit, that one.

I've never [still] photographed aircraft in flight. I will try it, manual 
focus though. Wait - there's an MZ-S in the loan gear. I'll sneak a roll 
through it if I can. I'm getting into the mood now, the blahs are 
receding. Just a few hours to go.

Time for another cup of tea. Earl Grey. Hot. ;-)


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