On the "digital future", Bob Keefer opined:
I really wonder whether the average home photographer really wants to
put that much energy into making pictures of the kids' birthday party....

Hi Bob,

I think you've nailed it.  As much as many of us PDMLers enjoy working in
the "digital darkroom", I think you're absolutely right that most folks
don't want to go to all that trouble if the goal is a couple dozen 4x6
prints of vacations, birthday parties, and so forth.  Hell, ~I~ won't
usually go to that trouble if all I want is a 4x6 reprint, and I really
enjoy all the fiddling!  Kodak's mantra for the past century has been, "You
push the button; we do the rest."  If digital can't deliver that kind of
performance to the masses at a competitive price -- and right now, I'd agree
that it certainly can't -- then the much more profitable film business will
remain intact for a long time to come, I suspect.

Bill Peifer
Rochester, NY
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