Hi all,

Sincere thanks to all who have already helped in my search for the exact
lens names!  Just in case some of you have not seen my previous
messages, below I have the (short!) list of lenses whose names I still
do not have and my original post.



Hi all,

In order to make the lens data for the KMP (http://KMP.BDimitrov.de/)
even more complete, I would like to gather the exact names of all
K-mount Pentax-made lenses.  I have gathered quite a few already, but I
still need help.  Please look at
http://KMP.BDimitrov.de/lenses/names.txt and check its contents against
the lenses which you own.  For lenses whose names I already have, please
make sure that I have the correct one.  For lenses where I have listed
"<<UNKNOWN>>", please give me the exact name as imprinted on the lens

Please pay attention to spaces, commas, tildas and hyphens (~ is not the
same as -), etc.  Please send your answers direct to me
([EMAIL PROTECTED]), and I will try to update the list every 2-3
days.  Please do not e-mail me the entire list, only the

Best wishes to all, and thanks for participating!  Cheers,


Lenses whose exact names I do not have:

SMC Lenses

FA20f2.8           <<UNKNOWN>>
FA28f2.8-Soft      <<UNKNOWN>>
K50f1.2-Gold       <<UNKNOWN>>
K85f2.2-Soft       <<UNKNOWN>>
FA85f2.8-Soft      <<UNKNOWN>>
FA100f3.5-Macro    <<UNKNOWN>>
F135f2.8           <<UNKNOWN>>
FA300f2.8          <<UNKNOWN>>
A400f2.8           <<UNKNOWN>>
A600f5.6           <<UNKNOWN>>
A1200f8            <<UNKNOWN>>
A28-80f3.5-4.5     <<UNKNOWN>>
FA28-80f3.5-5.6    <<UNKNOWN>>
FA28-90f3.5-5.6    <<UNKNOWN>>
A35-135f3.5-4.5    <<UNKNOWN>>
F35-135f3.5-4.5    <<UNKNOWN>>
F80-200f4.7-5.6    <<UNKNOWN>>
FA80-200f4.7-5.6   <<UNKNOWN>>
FA100-300f4.7-5.8  <<UNKNOWN>>
F250-600f5.6       <<UNKNOWN>>
FA250-600f5.6      <<UNKNOWN>>
K400-600f8-12      <<UNKNOWN>>


K300f2             <<UNKNOWN>>
M32-39f2.8-Flexi   <<UNKNOWN>>
K35-70f2.8         <<UNKNOWN>>
K35-70f2.8-Autofocus    <<UNKNOWN>>

Non-SMC Lenses

phs_80-200f4       <<UNKNOWN>>

     _\\|//_     Imagination is more important than knowledge...
   0(` O-O ')0                                           A. Einstein
 Bojidar D. Dimitrov      author and editor, Pentax K-Mount web page
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]                        http://kmp.BDimitrov.de/
   <__>   <__>
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