JCO wrote:
> I'm thinking of shooting some sunrises (maybe todays?) with a long
> lens....


Don't know if this would be of interest to you, but several
multiple-exposure eclipse sequences I've seen use the following technique.
Shoot the horizon earlier in the day, when the Sun is not included in the
scene.  This exposure, of course, would be metered for proper exposure of
the land features.  Several hours later, when the Sun is in the scene, make
another exposure on the same frame -- but this time, meter for the Sun.

For eclipse sequences, there's often a huge difference between desired
exposure for the partially eclipsed Sun and desired exposure for the land
features -- e.g., a filter factor of perhaps 1000.  For your sunset shots,
you may not wish to have as large a difference between horizon and Sun.  The
principle is still the same, though.

Hope this helps.

Bill Peifer
Rochester, NY

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