Ho do it compared with A 70-210 f4 or A 35-105 f3.5.


A great zoom, good contrast and definition at full aperture (a rare
occurence) and very good to excellent thereafter.  This is from a
test in Camerart (a japanese magazine published in english).  I think
some PDMLers could mention the results of a Modern Photography test
also.  The lens is a bit "front heavy" and is better handled on a K
body or, better still, on an M body + winder  (or later badies with a

They usually sell for $100-150 on eBay, a real bargain for such a
lens.  I haven't tested this portrait lens yet for bokeh and flare.
Maybe some other PDMLer have done this.  The third distance scale
found on most of them is for use with an unavailable close-up lens.

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