I retract my earlier adamant stance on this topic :-)

My apologies as I was always under the impression that the item had been
yanked and was never heard of again.

Again.. my error.. and thanks to all for restoring some faith in Pentax :)


-----Original Message-----
From: Cotty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, September 07, 2002 3:16 AM
To: Pentax List
Subject: RE: Pentax WILL (most likely) show a digital SLR at Photokina!

Hi Dave,

At the time Pentax announced they were scrapping plans for the 6MP
full-frame DSLR, they also announced that they would be working on a
lesser-specced DSLR along the lines of the (then) Canon D30. I have an AP
with this info in the news pages somewhere, unless it's one of the ones I
took to Norway for Jostein <g>. In any event, the press release will be
available on the web somewhere. Pal will no doubt have link to it or
somebody else.

To reiterate: the official linbe is that they are indeed working on a
DSLR, and this has never been retracted.

Best wishes,


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