I agree too, 135mm is a great length for portraits. I use a Vivitar
135mm/f3.5 VMC Auto for the job. If anyone is interested I put up some
pictures - taken a couple of weeks ago for the family. They are all there
(link below) including the imperfect ones. Everyone wanted to see them all.
My wife's family is spread over Northern Europe and only get together once
in a while. I haven't tweaked the files yet so they may look a bit blue -
depends on your monitor. Available light, shutter speed on auto, lens wide
open, camera P30T.


Don - 70 4/12 years old - one of the few 'old farts' on this list.

Dr E D F Williams

Author's Web Site and Photo Gallery
Updated: March 30, 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mishka" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2002 5:44 AM
Subject: favorite portrait lens (was Re: Orgin Myths)

> I second 135mm. Same story: got M135/3.5 -- couldn't resist the price, and
> liked it so much that ended up with K135/2.5. Very convenient length. And,
> not the least, 135/3.5 is really small and light.
> Mishka
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Dan Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 10:33 PM
> Subject: Re: Orgin Myths
> >
> > On Monday, September 9, 2002, at 07:43  PM, Michael Cross wrote:
> >
> > > I'm 37 and, believe it or not, I am just starting out with Pentax.  As
> > > far as I
> > > know a Spotmatic is a washing machine.
> > >
> > > I just bought a ZX-L body.  Now I just need one of you PDMLer's to
> > > which
> > > prime lens I ought to buy first for people photography.
> > >
> > > Michael Cross
> >
> > My most frequently used "people" lens is my FA 35/2.—I use it on groups,
> > environmental portraits, and on up to half-length individual portraits.
> > If you have the dough and don't mind the extra weight, the FA 31/1.9 is
> > an even better lens (at least, Cesar's 31/1.9 is better than my 35/2).
> >
> > Of my other Pentax lenses—lengths of 50mm, 77mm, 100mm, and 135mm—the
> > 135mm most comfortably handles what 35mm can't. I find it a great length
> > for head shots—the physical distance between me and my subject is close
> > enough to be sociable but not so close as to be invasive. Perfect for
> > shooting across a table. I originally bought an M 135/3.5 just to try
> > the length, figuring on getting the FA 135/2.8 if it worked out. I
> > picked up an Ex+ example for $40 and shipping about a year and a half
> > ago and still haven't moved up to the FA 135/2.8—it is definitely one of
> > the great bargains of the Pentax lineup.
> >
> > Good luck choosing,
> >
> > Dan Scott (42 1/12 years old)
> >
> >
> >

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