
I did a project once using a thing called a mains modem. The company I
was working for was looking for a cheap way of networking some PCs
together so with one of the engineers I got to write some rs232 comms.
stuff in assembler and Modula-2 and run around the site with the engineer
pushing a trolley with a PC on, plugging the thing into the mains and
sending test messages to the base PC to see how far away we could get a
signal. Fun project, crap product.




Thursday, September 12, 2002, 3:19:52 PM, you wrote:

> Yep, you can even get broadband internet down the mains power lines if
> you filter out the noise.  They can implement things any number of ways
> using either the digital link or the power contacts, depending on
> communication speeds being up to the job.

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