I just got back 6 rolls of slides I sent to York Photo for processing.
Four of the six rolls were messed up in the same way. All the slides had
a strong blue cast with lots of red or magenta flecks. I've seen this
once before. When I was developing my own slides at the kitchen sink
with Kodak E6 kits, one batch of two rolls turned out the same way. I
scanned one of the slides and put it on my AOL web page:
http://members.aol.com/awrobinson/DevProb/devprob.htm. Can anyone here
tell me what would cause this particular distortion in devleoping the

With the slides I developed, the only thing I could think of that I did
wrong was start the devleoping process with the bath water too hot. On
the other hand, I never doubt my ability to screw something up. And as
satisfying as it would be to blame it on York, There are plenty of other
factors involved. These slides have been sitting in a drawer in my
refrigerator for years. Originally I had intended to develop them my
self, but never got around it. Also, I use to try to save money by
buying expired film at camera swap meets. However, two of the four rolls
came out just fine. So I'm hoping someone can tell me what would cause
this particular effect so I can zero in on the cause.


Andrew Robinson

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