I am a "baby boomer", born in 1944 in San Antonio, Texas, while my father
was stationed at Kelly Field.  My earliest memories though are from living
in Roanoke, VA, where I was raised.  I started taking pictures in about 1953
or so using my grandfather's Brownie Model 2.  Later I was given a more
"modern" Brownie Hawkeye, complete with flash attachment and Press 25
flashbulbs.  Prior to attending college, I got my first 35mm, a Sears
rangefinder of some sort or another.  I was the "official" school
photographer during those 2 years, using both the rangefinder and the
school's Speed Graphic.  Back then, school annuals were all still in B&W and
I processed and printed in the school darkroom.  The only films we used were
Plus-X and Tri-X, develped in D-76 and printed in Dektol, which probably
explains why I still use those chemicals extensively.  After joining the
USAF in 1964, I picked up a Yashica Lynx 14 and started shooting slides on
Agfachrome 64, I film that I still lament the passing of.  Then, in the
early 1970's, my first SLR, again a Yashica, and later moved up to an
Olympus OM-10, which I sold in 1985 when other things were more dear than
photography.  I struggled with a few P&S cameras until our daughter got
married in 1998 when we decided I P&S wouldn't cut it for wedding candids.
That's when I started my Pentax era with a ZX-50.  It didn't last too long
before I realized I wanted something better, and I've been trading and
buying various models until now.  The "collection" now includes an MZ-S, ME
Super, Spotmatic, 645, Zenit 312M, Kiev 60 and Yashica Samurai half frame.
I've recently returned to printing, mostly B&W, with a Phillips PCS 130
enlarger with the PCS 150 color control.


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