Cotty and Bob wrote:
> ...
> >
> >I can't bring myself to go to that one. I really can't see the point
> >of it. In addition, I'm led to believe that there are some
> >'plastinisated' (?) children in the exhibition. I really don't see
> >how a child could possibly give informed consent to such a thing, and
> >I'd find it very distressing to look at.
> That part was very difficult to get through. There were various displays
> involving everything ...

I carefully read your and Bob's messages and went to see the link you
Although I can understand you interest and I don't find it particularly
morbid I couldn't to it and I feel it as quite beyond the limit of
decency. I mean MY point. I don't think I could stand it, really. I know
some people have to study corpses in order to learn how a uman body
works but I can't see the point for the average person.

This, of course, doesn't imply any judgement of your morale, it's just
my sensation, and I myself am a bit disconcerted by my own reaction. Go

I guess this expo wouldn't be possible, here.

Ciao, Flavio

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