On Wed, 18 Sep 2002, dick graham wrote:

> This was 11/2 ago and the last SLR ad they have run.  No MZ-S ad has every 
> run!
> DG
> At 10:14 PM 9/17/02 -0400, you wrote:
> >**Note, I tried this as an attachment but didn't think it would work, and it
> >didn't :)**
> >
> >
> >http://members.rogers.com/brad.dobo/images/Pentax.jpg

PhotoLife, a Canadian photography magazine, has an add for the MZ-S, or
other pentax cameras every 2nd issue or so.  The magazine, with Pentax are
giving away a MS-S, BG-10, AF360FGZ combo as well.

Aside from that, its a good magazine, it dosn't focus on equipment either
like the others, its about taking pictures.

- Chris

Chris Murray                   /"\   
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