According to Colorfoto-Website (German Photo-magazin) Kodak will show a
16 MP SLR at photokina. 

"Speculation abounds: Kodak already has a 16-Megapixel digital back for
professional cameras in their lineup. This chip would only have to be
modified slightly, in order to fit into a small SLR camera. Officially
Kodak still wraps itself in silence."

Could this be it: 

>From DPReview: "35mm format, 10.8MP. It is "designed for professional
digital still camera applications", according to the sheet. Could this
be the sensor in the next Kodak DCS camera? It would offer full-frame
coverage and, because it's an interline-transfer sensor, fast shutter
speeds. Apparently not an impressive frame rate, though; they talk of
1-3 fps."

Don't know whose body Kodak is going to install it in?

Plllleeeeaaaassssseee Mr Pentax??!?!?!?

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