I posted another gallery to my site. This time they are color
pictures, taken with a couple of disposable cameras just before and
just after I run with the bulls in Pamplona this year. No pictures of
the running itself because, well, I was running. I had a couple of
Pentax cameras in the car while this was happenning, so that makes it
kind of in topic for about four blocks or so.

Again, I tried to edit things coherently so they work as a group, and
ended up with 20 frames out of 65 or so. I have very mixed feelings
about these images, but still wanted to go through the excercise of
editing them. Like the previous petanca gallery, it is subject to very
probable changes.


Comments welcome,


 Juan J. Buhler | Lead FX Animator @ PDI | Photos at http://www.jbuhler.com

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