On 22 Sep 2002 at 9:52, Steve Desjardins wrote:

> My family and I are doing a 6 day trip to Ireland in late November. 
> This is one of those "Plane tickets, B&B vouchers, and rental car"
> trips, but the price was great.  Since we're on our own, I though I'd
> ask for suggestions.  We're flying into Shannon.  We're currently
> thinking of making a loop by heading S/SW to see the coast and then
> doubling back to Dublin.

Hi Steve,

Six days isn't that long in Ireland so don't try to squash too much in. Shannon 
Airport is almost in the centre of Ireland so affords a pretty easy drive to 
either the West Coast (Galway) or the East Coast (Dublin). You may have to 
prepare the car rental crowd if you wish to rent a vehicle with automatic 
transmission as the cars are very predominantly manual in Ireland. The drivers 
are courteous but a little maniac (very high road toll per capita) also of 
course it's all right hand drive there. Some of the roads along the peninsulas 
down south gets pretty tight so don't go for a huge car either.

Doing a loop from Galway to Dublin via the south coast would be a very scenic 
trip but a bit rushed for six days, accommodation won't be a problem but do get 
yourself a road atlas since only the fairly limited express ways are well sign 
posted. I expect that you'll have a great time, let me know if you have any 
questions but remember that there are plenty of great web sites brimming with 

See some pics from my trip to Ireland in '97 at:



Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours

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