In 35mm it is somewhat clouded by the fact that Pentax hasn't really
marketed to the "pro" market. It would be safe to say that any of their *
lenses (A*, FA*,etc) are pro oriented as would be most of their really long
glass. All of their medium format lenses would be considered pro oriented
but that is pretty consistent with most MF manufacturers.

35mm pro lenses are usually fast for their focal length, superior optical
and usually build quality, and very expensive.

Margo Ellen Gesser <[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote;

Now hears ANOTHER dumb question: I comprehend the difference between
consumer and pro bodies. Could you good people enlighten me as to the
difference between consumer and pro LENSES? And what series of Pentax lenses
are pro?

P.S. That's not a dumb question.


"Each man had only one genuine vocation - to find the way to himself"
Hermann Hesse (Demian)

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