From: Bill Peifer
> Ditto -- worries me too.  I can't help but see the parallels
between the
> current war on our collective civil rights here in the US, and
the assault
> on the rights of American citizens of Japanese descent back in
the early
> 40's.  It's a damn shame, and I've had more than my fill, for
sure.  I
> think
> it's time for a regime change, all right -- in Washington.  I
just hope
> the
> majority of my fellow US citizens have enough sense to vote
the Corporate
> Malfeasant in Chief, ~and~ his band of merry men, out of
office in 2004.

I am thinking more like the loss of civil rights in Germany,
circa mid to late 1930's.
You need more than a regime change, more like a paradigm shift.
Look at how successful the "war on drugs" has been, and then
think about how successful the "war on terrorism" will be.

William Robb

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