On 27 Sep 2002 at 16:24, Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes wrote:

> sometimes it seems as
> if it's almost taboo to say anything anti-Pentax on the list, even when it
> may be helpful to others... and thats not a good environment at all for
> learning and exchanging true experiences.

Hi Jerome,

Contributors to the PDML have traditionally been very tolerant and not at all 
dismissive of other brands of equipment  so I suspect that the responses that 
you are referring to are more a product of the delivery than the object.

As some listers may be aware, I switched from P67/645 to Mamiya 7 about 18moths 
ago. However I don't tell every P67 user who posts an enthusiastic remark to 
the list that their camera is a steaming pile of poo.  I recognize that each 
system has it merits and I can't see the value of denigrating other peoples 


Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours

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