
I can't comment on the MZ-6 / FA77 Limited combo, but can say the 77 is nice.

Back before the dawn of time when I only had 3 lenses, the 135mm f3.5 was my 
portrait lens and it was OK, but the 85mm f2 was a real improvement (subject 
distance and size/brightness of lens).  The 77 limited extends this 
improvement.  It is a very small lens with very nice qualities and would be 
my choice for an inobtrusive people kit.  

All this presumes you can get over using a 200mm lens for portraits. <g>

Regards,  Bob S.


<< I'm also thinking of a lens to match. How would be the FA 77 limited for
 such use ? I usual prefer long focal lengths, is is common for me to do
 portraits/people shots with 200mm lens. Would be the FA 135 a better
 choice ? What do you think about the angle of view / perspective
 flattening / out of focus area rendition for the FA 77 ? Anyone thinking
 that the focal is a little bit too short for the intended use ? Or would
 I get better all-round use with the FA 28-70/4 ?  >>

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