To the chaos mathematician Stan, :)

It is regretful that you cannot understand it. There is nothing I can do,
it's that simple.  By attacking (too strong a word?) my email like a
academic or a critic, you thoroughly distort its original intent.  How often
did we see that in books in highschool and thought much of it was pure c**p?
You have turned it into something that it was not.

> I am just totally baffled as to what (a) and the tautological (b) have to
> with the supposed conclusion in (c).

So my email is an incorrect equation?  a+b=c?  I don't recall writing it
with an equation in mind.....hmmm.  I don't remember having to write emails
with care like I do with my Masters thesis.  Your whole response to this is
laughable.  I find your comments, methods and approach 'bizarre'.  Your
logic I won't even comment on.

Did you add anything constructive or educational to my email?  You of course
have a right to an opinion.  Although why you felt a compulsion to reply in
the first place, I of course, cannot understand.  Thank you however, I found
it very uninformative.

With lots of love,

Brad Dobo (Keeper of the flame)

Btw, love how you didn't quote my whole email, a typical tactic in academic

----- Original Message -----
From: "Stan Halpin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2002 12:18 AM
Subject: Re: Digital robustness

> > From: "Brad Dobo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2002 21:02:42 -0400
> > Subject: Re: Digital robustness
> >
> > ...  Electronic consumer goods ... are very suseptable to a variety of
> > Moisture damage, breaking when dropped, and malfunctioning.  One can
> > assume that a consumer digital camera or DSLR would also be that way,
> > because it's a consumer electronic good.
> >
> Sorry guys. I just cannot resist commenting on this really bizarre form of
> logic.
> a.
> > Electronic consumer goods ... are very susceptible to a variety of
> > Moisture damage, breaking when dropped, and malfunctioning.
> b.
> > "[a consumer digital camera or DSLR is a . . .] consumer electronic
> c. therefore (?)
> >One can then assume that a consumer digital camera or DSLR would also be
> > way [very susceptible to a variety of things]"
> Huh? I am not sure what the sweeping generality in (a) is referring to,
> does the moisture susceptibility of my desktop computer have anything to
> with the likelihood that someone would design a digital camera that was
> liable to die when it started raining?  As to malfunctioning, everything
> malfunctions t some degree. The only issue is the granularity of the
> control. Chip manufacturers reject a huge portion of the chips
> But the point is that they do test and they do reject and the functioning
> ones make it into products, and the good ones stay good.
> Can we go back to foul language? Or political discussions? <g>
> Stan

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