On Sunday, September 29, 2002, at 09:40  AM, Robert Soames Wetmore wrote:

> Yes, it was a really old email.  Brad has changed greatly since the 
> tumultuous days of his youth...a little less than a week ago.  He's no 
> longer on the quaaludes, the bell-bottoms are in the trash (wait, 
> they've come back in style again), and he sold the motorcycle.  He's 
> now working on Wall Street, has a family and even a minivan - he's 
> quite the man now, you'd hardly recognize him.  Never thought I'd see 
> him in a suit.  He's really done well for himself.
> Things move at a fast pace in the digital age.

'ludes? You are really dating yourself, dude. :-)

Dan Scott

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