>On Thu, 10 Oct 2002, it was written:
>>  ALSO
>>  Cord has a couple of AF200T flashes @ $19.95 ea.
>>  Anyone want one?
>This is one of those times I wish I understood flash, because I'd like to
>pick one up, mainly because I've come to realize there's times where you
>need flash, and the on-camera built-in on the -5n won't cut it, plus I
>guess I should use a bracket to mount it off camera?
>(I'm hoping this sparks a discussion on flash usage, and what would work
>best on a -5n and 645, also, if I decide to add an old K body to my
>collection, would an AF flash still work correctly?).

Boz's site is explicit on this topic (Analog TTL flashes do TTL on 
all bodies, digital TTL flashes only work TTL on digital bodies). 
Some good information also on cords.  Just google "Boz" and Pentax" 
and take second entry.

So K bodies and 645 only work with older analog flashes (Pentax, Metz 
etc.).  If you don't like tele adapter etc., some Metz are good 
options as they zoom.

Maybe you could try to start a thread with specific questions, and 
see what happens.



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