At 03:13 AM 10/12/2002 -0400, Brad wrote:
>Ok, just a couple of random thoughts, this group has already beaten this
>thread to death I bet in the past, but it's new to me.  Storage length.
>Vulnerablity.  Cost.  I cannot remember the number but our instructor quoted
>something like it's many 1000s of percent greater for a hard drive to fail
>(and cannot retrieve data) than a house fire to occur that would say burn
>your negs, slides, and prints.  That's crap if you are a serious pro digital

Guess what just happened to me.
Electricity supply to Canada's high-tech capital is notoriously flaky. Last 
Friday evening (4th) just after midnight, modem screams as the power goes 
off, glitches back on and dies. Unbeknowns to me, computer running on a 
110-230v step-up transformer receives fatal overdose. (it wasn't switched 
on). PC power supply is taken out. That's not all. DVD player and both hard 
disks, master AND backup are toast.

Digital photos from a recent trip all gone never to be recovered.

So there we are. If anyone has the brilliant idea to backup to a second 
hard disk - don't do it. It'll only end in tears.............


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